Monday, June 6, 2011

Magnificent Toes!

First, I have to say it is June 6 and I haven't blogged since May 20 and I'm sorry but I have some cool blog posts comming up so stay tunned. Now that I got that over I got my nails doen today! At the same placeI did last time I  blogged about my nails. I got them done because I'm going to Seattle to go to my cousins graduation/graduation party. I got them done at Chloe's Nails. Green and orange are very summerish colors and guess what my favorite colors are? Yep! Orange and green!!!!!!!!! Those were my inspirations! Then I was thinking of having then do plaid with those colors but the only person who can do good plais is my aunt Judy so I just fot a flower because I knew they did good flowers from previous experiences. I would definatley recommend Chloes's Nails to anyone who likes massage chairs, warm cloths on thier legs, leg massages, soaking their feet in warm water, and plenty more great things. Well see you in Seattle! 

1 comment:

  1. So pretty! For the father daughter dance! I miss those:(
