Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What a Fabulous Pot

While my friend Mary was over we decided to paint pots! My friend Mary is very creative. I might not even beat her in a creative contest! You know me, I'm creative. After she painted her pot (the J stands for Julia Mary's cousin), Mary asked me if she could use my melting beads! I said yes in couriousity. She asked for a pipe cleaner and some paper type flowers that I have. I gave them to her still questioning what in the world she would do. She placed the melting beads in the pot (I'm sorry the picture didn't show then but there just colorful beads), twirled the pipe cleaner, stuck the flowers on them, and then stuck them in the pot! Its was beautiful. I sat in my craft chair in awe thinking why didn't I do that! Mary is pretty creative for sure. Thats just the way she is and I love her because of that! Love you Mary, great pot!!!!!!


  1. Love the pot Mary. Love the blogger girl even more....Way to go Judiann

  2. Great Pot. Great description of your friend. Love the new bright backround. Your blog is so much fun to read.
    Lots of Love.
    Aunt Lori

  3. Thanks! You made my day by saying that! I can't wait to see you June 7! Love you lori! Dad I love you to!

  4. Love ya Judi! We should make more of those.....
