Saturday, November 13, 2010


You know what? When I went to go to my friends play I toatally forgot to take pictures. I wish I could share with you how colorful and entirtaning her show was. You guys would of loved it. You know she did the Wizard of Oz so she was one of the very colorful munchkins. My friend Brooke did the same play but with another company. She was the main charcter Dorothy and she was only 14. The person who played Dorothy in the play I went to last night was 17. Well my moms making me fold church programs so I gotta go. C U later. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Judi
    I am so sorry you forgot but we will forgive you this time. I forget my camera often as well. I just posted some pics on my new blog so check it out and tell me what you think.
    Luv ya, aunt Lori
