Monday, October 18, 2010

I'm excited

I just wanted to share my excitment with you. My mom was talking to me about going to Haiti! If you know me I love kids and when you go with Global Orphan to Haiti thats pretty much what you do. If you don't know what Global Orphan is i'll tell you what it is. It is a organization that Mike and Beth Fox created. I believe all they do is have mission trips to Haiti. Also there was this little girl who rased a couple thousand dollars by selling cards I think and she was part of Global Orphan. You might have hread of her or seen her on Fox 4 news with Mike and Beth. Well moving on my mom told me if I save up a little of my money I could help my parents pay for the trip I will be going on! I can't wait to meet all the orphans. My mom, brother, other brother , and my dad have gone already and if you know me that s my hole familiy EXCEPT ME! I really want to go. Well just wanted to share some of my excitment with you. Well for now see ya later.:)


  1. I am so excited for you. I just know you will enjoy loving the children of Haiti so very much. I am sure you can think of ways to raise the money. EXCITING.
    love you. Lori

  2. Your right Aunt Lori I'm thinking of all ways to raise money for the kids and the orphange.
