Friday, July 15, 2011

She's off on her own

 Mainers Baseball field
 Looking down on Seattle
 View from the top of the very high Space Needle!
Top: Left=Luke Right= Lukes girlfriend, Kellen
Bottom: Left: Anut Lori, Me, Amanda, JoEllen, JoEllens boyfriend Jeremy

Time to go to JoEllens graduation as she graduates from SPU (Seattle Pacific University)! We had to wake up at about 6:00 a.m.! I slept the hole way there. Guess where the graduation was at? Seattle baseball teams staduim! The Mainers! After we watched JoEllen walk arcoss that stage and get rewared with a diploma certifying a life on her own we went to the Spagetti Factory and went on to the Space Neddle! You may be thinking I'm going to space on a needle or going on a needle to space but no. It's a very tall buidling that looks over the entire city. It's a great view! By time we got home we got in our pj's and watched Devils pond then played some games. After that we didn't even have to force ourselves to sleep. We just went to our beds and well, thats all I remember!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post - you are almost to the finish line of the Seattle trip! Gam Gam
