I'll never let go
What a pretty flower!
Silly Face
Dance Party!!!!!!!
Here are the names of these girls! Starting from the left Sophia, me, Mary, Lauren, and on the botton is Coroline Mary's younger sister.

Me and my brother so cute! Love you big bro!
Me and dad slow dancing
Me and my brother so cute! Love you big bro!
I had so much fun with my friends and my dad at the father Daughter Dance! Don't I look awesome. No one there had my exact dress. I like to stand out and have a different dress than everyone. As a tradition my dad and I wen to Boston market before the dance to eat. I love Boston Market but we never go there so it's a treat when I do get to go. If you don't know what Boston Market is, its a restraunt with chicken and meatloaf, mash potatoes, and other things like that. After that we went to the dance and were the first ones there of my friends so my dad and I got a little alone time to slow dance together. Can you belive that was the last father daughter dance I will attend for the rest of my life! It's pretty sad, I'm going to miss it alot. Once all my friends got their I danced with them a little and even slow danced with a few! Ha ha! They did a line dancing event but it did't work out so well because there were so so many people and the DJ had to chose who would go next and there were to many girls to count so me and my dad and my friends went to just dance all together and left the Line Dancing even though it was fun while it lasted, it was just to crowded!! The dance ended at 9:oo but me and my dad left 30 minutes before because we wanted to go to Yougurti, YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY! That was one great night! I wish it would last forever! I will definatley remember this night for the rest of my life! I love you DAD I hope you love me to!